Category: Interests

I give in 1

I give in

Okay, so I guess I’m giving this Facebook thing a try. I’ve been resisting for months, as I really felt I don’t need yet another...

Bärsallad 0


Varför heter det fruktsallad när det går att göra en så god efterrätt/mellanmål på bär? Nå, hade iofs i en nektarin också, så det kanske...

Budapest round-up 0

Budapest round-up

So how was Budapest? Well, I think you’ll get the picture by … ehrm … looking at my pictures. I geotagged most of them, and...

Writing week at Fridhem 0

Writing week at Fridhem

I’m back at Fridhem and it’s great. There’s a special atmosphere at this school. It breathes creativity. This year I’ll take the short story writing...

Moo MiniCards 0

Moo MiniCards

I just ordered a set of Moo MiniCards, after having been reminded by Erik of their existence. And then I got to browsing this flickr...

Första Ekolådan 2

Första Ekolådan

I går fick jag min första Ekolåda, en “lilla grönsakslådan”, med härligt melerad aubergine, ett salladshuvud, tomater, gul lök, bladspenat, fänkål, rädisor och zucchini. Allt...

Fire on Oxford Street 0

Fire on Oxford Street

K and I ended up close to a fire on Oxford Street yesterday. We had just had lunch at EAT. and were heading towards Oxford...