Lotta Holmström (Press photos are here)
This site is mostly an archive of what used to be a quite active personal blog and a slightly less so semi-professional one about citizen journalism.
These day I write when I feel like it and have something to say, which unfortunately is less and less frequent.
I will however keep some of my original bio here:
I fell in love with the web in 1995 and haven’t fallen out yet. Back in the days I was studying journalism, so it was only natural to become a web editor. I did my practical studies at Aftonbladet New Media and then stayed on for eleven years, seeing Sweden’s largest website take shape, doing just about everything you can do as editorial staff in an online paper/magazine, from writing articles, editing, project managing new media forms, being readers’ editor etc. It was a marvellous journey and you can read about some of it in the work section of this site.
In 2008 I decided I needed some fresh challenges, and left for a small mobile company to become managing editor, a position which soon turned out to be somewhat different than described. Still I learnt a lot the four months I worked there before going on parental leave.
2008 saw the birth of my son, Linus, who is heavily featured in the personal section of this site, which is more or less a diary I’ve been keeping online since 1998.
After that I became head of Lärarförbundet’s new journalistic portal site Lärarnas Nyheter, in September 2009. Writing and editing for teachers and related fields was very interesting. After a few years, the portal site was closed, in favour of the different magazines having their own websites. I then migrated to the magazine focusing on news for teachers, Lärarnas tidning. It was a great time, but towards the end also a very trying time, as our owner, the teachers’ union, decided to go in a different direction – away from independent journalism.
I quit and spent almost a year at Dagens Samhälle, then moved on to Dagens Arbete, where I am still head of digital.
For three years I wrote a blog on citizen media/citizen journalism, Citizen Media Watch. I’ve imported my posts as an archive here – you find them in the CMW Archives section.
If you check out the Interests section in the navigation, the sub-categories will let you know what makes me tick.
I used to write a lot of fiction and poetry. I’ve been published in a few anthologies, and in 2006 me and my Skriva.net blogging partner and friend made a poetry anthology together. It’s called Ingur. In 2008 I was part of an anthology on the future of journalism, Framtiden har redan varit här, hejat och passerat.
These days I find it hard to find the time or inspiration to write in my spare time. Nevertheless I’m keeping the writing section, hoping this is only a temporary break.
As I write some posts in English, some in Swedish, I’ve added a Languages menu option, which lets you list all my posts in English and Swedish respectively.
If you wish to reach me, why not get in touch on twitter or Facebook (though only add me on FB if you know me, please)? You can also send me an email using my first name + at skriva.net.
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