Flickr's new video service
It’s been talked about for a while, but now Flickr has finally launched its video upload service. It’s for pro members only, and they’ve set...
It’s been talked about for a while, but now Flickr has finally launched its video upload service. It’s for pro members only, and they’ve set...
I got a Flickr mail telling me my photo of a walnut had been chosen as one of 20 pics out of about 600 submissions...
Är inte Bambuser fantastiskt så säg, så att man kan bevara sånt som kvällens omgång Monopol? : )
Gjorde boknördstestet hos Barnens bokklubb efter tips från Josefine. Bara 62 procent, minsann, och den något förolämpande texten nedan. Hrmpf! Kan iofs ha att göra...
Annika Lidne compares Facebook to AOL, the walled garden approach. – The walled garden didn’t work for them, and it won’t work for Facebook either....
Jonas Nyvang from MySpace talked a bit about MySpace apps and Open Social. – We give 100% of the revenues you can get from the...
The usual crowd has shown up for Facebook Garage Stockholm, the third event organized by Nustart in Stockholm. The focus is on Facebook, but also...
A lot of comments have been made to Paul Bradshaw’s (read his blog too) excellent list of changes for journalists in the upcoming ten years...
Since I forgot to celebrate this blog’s 10th birthday on Jan 27, I thought that I atleast should make it show somehow. Hence the new...
Helt oinbjuden hakar jag på Studiomannens utmaning: Vad gjorde jag för 5, 10, 15 och 20 år sedan? Det första som drabbar mig är insikten...
The Canadian defence department has sent a memo to soldiers, urging them not to use social networking sites like Facebook, writes CBC News. The reason...
The results of a recent We Media/Zogby Interactive poll shows that two thirds of the American respondents think that traditional journalism is “out of touch”...
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