Stockholms poesifestival
Vloggning tar tid, det är bara att konstatera. Här kommer i alla fall till slut en 14 minuter 14 sekunder lång sammanfattning av Stockholms poesifestival (.wmv, 71 MB). Det blev verkligen en helkväll med internationella namn och talangfulla svenskar i skön blandning. Eller vad sägs om Richard Wolff, Kerstin Thorvall, Serhiy Zhadan, Clara Diesen, Stina Ekblad, Ursula Andkjaer Olsen, The Tiny, Göran Sonnevi, Emil Jensen, Li Li (Mai Cheng missade planet!), Lena Endre, Ida Börjel, Morten Søndergaard, Gabeba Baderoon, Brokenword (Johannes Anyuru & Sean McConnell), Markku Paasonen och Johan Rabaeus?

Look at that mood-o-meter soar!!
sean from brokenword, friend pointed me to your site(blog!) very curious about where you got the video footage, we don’t have any from that show….
drop me a line here
Hey Sean,
The footage is from my own small digital camera, so that’s why the quality’s quite bad. I do have a few more clips if you’re interested, though since I filmed from the audience and I tried to do it as discretely as possible it is a bit shaky to say the least.
Loved your show, btw!