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Apartment for sale

I regained access to my old apartment today. The tennants have moved out and not I’m going to sell it. But first I need to fix a few minor things.
I dread going through the whole process. Finding a realtor, finding someone to clean the windows, finishing the work on the floor in the the kitchen, have people come over and look at it, and then the bidding and knowing what to make do with. It’s the first time for me, and now it seems like everything’s happening at once. Probably I’ll also try to sell my car.

Theatre training tonight. It’s a welcome break from.. well.. everything. What we do during those three hours is so separate from our “normal” lives. It’s a good group, a good mix.
A couple of weeks from now ten or so of us are going to go to Cabaret Fot, a cabaret hosted by Södra Fot who runs the threatre training course. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not, doing things together outside of the scheduled hours on Sundays. Somehow I like to keep it like that – my Sunday world. But I decided to go anyway. The cabaret seems like great fun.


Web veteran, journalist, blogger since 1998, loves creativity and originality, photography and her family. [More]

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