Linus is here!
On July 29 at 00.35 I gave birth to a baby boy. Finally! Now we’ve been home for a day, and right now he’s asleep...
On July 29 at 00.35 I gave birth to a baby boy. Finally! Now we’ve been home for a day, and right now he’s asleep...
Jag har inte bloggat så mycket på sista tiden eftersom det inte finns så mycket att blogga om. Det är en lång och utdragen väntan...
Interesting piece over at TechnoKimchi on the protests against president Lee Myung-Bak in Korea and how it all came about through citizen journalism: How did...
Have a great day and let’s hope there’s no rain. Looking good so far. We’ll get together at the allotment for some fairly simple midsummer...
Going through old posts on Beta Alfa’s blog, I found a post about YouTube’s new Citizen Media channel, Citizen News. They’ve appointed a News Manager...
Excellent clip from WAN in Gothenburg, provided by Medievärlden. Pierre Haski of on how to take your readers seriously and get good quality comments...
Are you a journalist who blog? Check out the Online Journalism Blog’s new survey and help Paul Bradshaw get info for a book chapter he’s...
I’ve been doing some weird things at work lately, providing articles for an EDM site called Love The Beat. Last weekend I worked as photographer/videographer/interviewer...
Peter Lindberg started a Flickr group for a daily upload of 11 second video clips, a test to see what can come out of Flickr’s...
I min jakt på snygga mammakläder har turen nu kommit till auktionssajterna. De är en bra källa för plagg som inte alla har, lite annan...
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