Lotta Holmström Blog
Budapest round-up
So how was Budapest? Well, I think you’ll get the picture by … ehrm … looking at my pictures. I geotagged most of them, and...
Writing week at Fridhem
I’m back at Fridhem and it’s great. There’s a special atmosphere at this school. It breathes creativity. This year I’ll take the short story writing...
Vacation time
I’m off on vacation for a couple of weeks, and probably won’t be updating much during that time. First off I’ll go to Fridhem Folkögskola...
Danish media's move to web-first publishing
A year ago, Danish newspaper Politiken moved their newsdesk online. Now Berlingske Tidende is taking it one step further. ALL journalists are to work for...
Moo MiniCards
I just ordered a set of Moo MiniCards, after having been reminded by Erik of their existence. And then I got to browsing this flickr...
Underbara, härliga sommar
Visst ser det härligt ut med de gula ballongerna som tar flykt upp mot den klarblå himlen? Just så här ska sommaren vara, och en...
The need for usability in podcasting
Karin Høgh‘s focus in her presentation on Podcamp was usability, and by giving a multitude of examples she showed that this is not something that...
X3M Radio Pleppo won the Swedish Podcast Awards
The Swedish Podcast Awards were won by Finns. The overall award went to X3M Radio Pleppo. Congratulations! The price ceremony, which was held at Podcamp...
Singapore – a small place with big online influence
Sriram Krishnan talked about media landscapes in Singapore. It was meant to be a joint presentation with his friend Justin Lee in Singapore, but that...
”You are all friends here, you just don't know it”
Chris Brogan talks about the power of communities and social networks. I love it that his slides are just photos of people he’s got to...
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