Lotta Holmström Blog

Towel day 1

Towel day

All fans of Douglas Adams, don’t forget that tomorrow, May 25, is Towel day. Wear a towel all day, and pay your respects to the...

Spice girls reunited 0

Spice girls reunited

Oh my God.. the Spice Girls make a comeback. The horror! Why not let the past be the past? Yep, it seems like all the...

Meja's back 0

Meja's back

It’s been awfully quiet about Meja the past few years. But today she performed at Gröna Lund, at the Childhood gala. One new song (I...

Photo contest 0

Photo contest

I got a press release about a new photo contest that might be of interest. It’s open to amateur photographers in Europe. You upload six...

Painting 0


I started painting, in oil. It’ll be an interesting experiment, since I’ve never tried oil before, and haven’t expressed myself in that kind of way...

Small town 0

Small town

After two party nights (Aftonbladet party Friday, party at Fredrike’s yesterday) it’s good to have a day when you just tag along, do a minimum,...

More cat pics 0

More cat pics

I know, I know… I must be boring you to death with all these pictures of Morris and Minor. But I can’t help it, they...