Två spelningar
Idag har jag varit på två olika spelningar, vilket är mycket för att vara jag. Kul, men lite dumt att jag var extra trött idag...
Idag har jag varit på två olika spelningar, vilket är mycket för att vara jag. Kul, men lite dumt att jag var extra trött idag...
Björn har gjort ett fantastiskt collage från gårdagens bloggträff, baserat på “bloggservetten”. Kul! Annika har lagt ut bilder på sin blogg. Jag ser smått galen...
Calvin Tang, co-founder of Newsvine, a site where users can trail their reading habits and get filtered news which they then can discuss with other...
Recently the Bivings group, a republican-supported PR firm with a somewhat bad reputation for applying unorthodox marketing methods, conducted an investigation into the state of...
Trevlig bloggöl på Söders hjärta i kväll. Och lärorik. Vi diskuterade allt mellan barnporr och twitter, med en släng av 70-talsnostalgi och bokskrivande däremellan. Du...
Steve Outing at Editor & Publisher has reviewed American newspaper websites, and he’s not very satisfied with what he’s found. This is how he describes...
Detroit based has a story on a library in Mt. Clemens that has shut down internet access to its visitors since they used the...
Yesterday I published some great drawings by Swedish children to astronaut Christer Fuglesang. A simple way for established media to engage a young audience online,...
Today free speech-activist Oscar Swartz writes that he is to set up a ”structure” for citizen journalism about free communication, immaterial rights and surveillance in...
A new service aims to take the stress out of RSS reading. It’s easy to sign up for more feeds than you have time to...
How on earth can I have missed the Internet Archive? What a wonderful source of great audio recordings! I found it through Vienna Teng’s site,...
The organisation Reporters without borders released a pdf document in 2005 titled “Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents”, offering hands-on tips for bloggers in countries where...
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