New year
I’m slowly returning to some kind of human shape after last night’s New Year’s celebrations. No, it hasn’t been that bad, mostly I’m just tired...
Another Christmas survived. Despite low-scale ambitions we ended up with a pile of gifts each (mainly from the mothers) and food, cookies and candy to...
I got back from a two day conference at Almåsa today. The focus was on personal development, and one of the tools we used was...
I dag deltar jag för första gången i Ett foto i timmen. Det har varit ett kul projekt, och en utmaning en dag som denna...
I morgon tänkte jag delta i Ett foto i timmen för första gången. Det kommer inte att vara en särskilt intressant dag att dokumentera, men...
I woke up at 4 AM this morning, unable to go back to sleep. Thoughts of texts and departures, my future writing and how to...
Vloggning tar tid, det är bara att konstatera. Här kommer i alla fall till slut en 14 minuter 14 sekunder lång sammanfattning av Stockholms poesifestival...
I mentioned to P. I wanted to add a blog category called “lessons learnt from P.”. Good, she thought, then added that that isn’t true...
Lyssnade på Tendens i P1 för en stund sedan (tack Gitta för tipset!). Det handlade om bloggar, med fokus på mediabloggar och politiska bloggar (det...
It seems like I often get ill just in time for something exciting to happen, and tonight is no exception. Right now some 600 people...
Welcome to the new place, look and feel of my blog. It’s also got a new name – the many faces of L. “Lotta at...
Today has been a very slow day at work. The things I need to get done before the weekend cannot be done until I get...
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