Lotta Holmström Blog

Web 2.0 for publishers 0

Web 2.0 for publishers

Ifra, the international publishers association, has published a handy beginners guide to web 2.0 for publishers, available for easy online reading or printable. Though I...

"Censorship is flattery" 0

"Censorship is flattery"

I just read an interesting piece on free speech online by Ethan Zuckerman at My heart’s in Accra. He reasons that the fact that different...

Citizen Media Watch 0

Citizen Media Watch

I guess I should mention here that I’ve started blogging about citizen media/citizen journalism. I wanted to do it without announcing it to anyone for...

Två spelningar 0

Två spelningar

Idag har jag varit på två olika spelningar, vilket är mycket för att vara jag. Kul, men lite dumt att jag var extra trött idag...