Lotta Holmström Blog

Citizen media: A definition 0

Citizen media: A definition

What is citizen media? What media? What citizens? How? I set out to find out how others had defined it. Here’s Wikipedia‘s take: Citizen Media,...

SIME 2006 – day 2 0

SIME 2006 – day 2

I’m having a great time the 2nd day of SIME 2006. So many inspiring people. Like Dan Gillmor who totally gets it, Andreas Weigend who...

SIME 2006 – Wednesday afternoon 2

SIME 2006 – Wednesday afternoon

Eric Hadley, Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions talks to Ola Ahlvarsson. Kurt Sillén, VP Ericsson Mobility World, danced on stage to music from his cellphone. He...

The Good Tea House 0

The Good Tea House

yogi tea with “slight euphoric effects” crystalized ginger in a small cup milk and honey on the side to warm my frozen limbs after walking...