Lotta Holmström Blog

This and that 0

This and that

Great party Friday – Xpedio and Snowcrash had invited more than 1000 people to their new office. _Everyone_ was there. :-) Though I didn’t feel...

Time flies 0

Time flies

I’d like to have a parallell life. One where I could do all the working, so that I could devote this one to having fun....

Work and travel plans 0

Work and travel plans

I worked ’til 04.30 last night, and slept ’til 13.00 today. My hours are all mixed up. But atleast I get enough sleep. :-) Italy.....

Beautiful South 0

Beautiful South

Listening to Painting it Red, The Beautiful South’s new album. Puts me in a good mood…. it’s one of their better ones, I think. I...

An evening with the girls 0

An evening with the girls

Nice evening at Anglais with Tiina, Frida and Helena. It was ages since I saw Helena, so it was good to see that she was...

Party pix 0

Party pix

No time to write right now, but I remembered I hadn’t put a link to the Guru party pix here yet, so here goes. :-)...

Hectic and slow 0

Hectic and slow

Yes, today is Oct. 5. That means U. is coming to Stockholm tomorrow. I’ve really missed him. I spent all of yesterday at home. No...

We made it! 0

We made it!

What a feeling! When we went to Cafe String yesterday to participate in the Poetry cup we were so nervous. Mattias kept saying things like...