Thumbs down for FeedoStyle

About a week ago a new tool for blogs and websites to include an RSS feed was introduced: FeedoStyle.
I read some positive comments about it (can’t find exactly where now) and decided to try it out. But boy was I disappointed. For one thing, it doesn’t seem to be able to handle Swedish vowels in a feed, but instead duplicates those entries – one version with the correct vowel and one version with the vowel replaced by a question-mark:

Also, if you click on one of the links you are not taken straight to the corresponding blog post, but have to waste time on a useless feedostyle interstitial – with, surprise, surprise, AdSense ads:

On top of that, there seem to be performance issues.

Too bad, it could have been a useful service. But as commenter Charles pointed out, there are alternatives:

I’d like to see an independent evaluation of those.


Web veteran, journalist, blogger since 1998, loves creativity and originality, photography and her family. [More]

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2 Responses

  1. jarle says:

    Tjenare, I had the same problem as you, it just fill it up with copy of the same news. :( anyway glad to see that you had some alternatives to suggest, i will look into it and get back. Thanks


  2. jarle says:

    Hi, my search and testing so far only lead to one answer: Carp

    Make it yourselves, the problem with the other is that search engines can not find all the stuff from rss feeds, with carp you will get a lot of new informtation that the search engines can find.
    (rss into html)


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