Blogger urges Swedish police to go 2.0
Swedish blogger Johnny at Stationsvakt has an idea for how the Swedish polce could use web2.0 to catch more criminals.
Johnny brings up the example of a recent news story about a youth assaulting a middle-aged man. The event was filmed by a cellphone, and the video clip ended up on YouTube, possibly posted by the perpretrator himself, according to Expressen.
The youth is still on the run, and the police asks for the help of the general public to catch him. YouTube is becoming a source for the police to solve crime, according to the article.
Here’s where Johnny’s suggestion comes in. He wants a web page where people can collaborate to help solve crime. A page where the police can post descriptions of wanted people, of crimes, and add contact details of which police office to contact. He also thinks it would be good to have a section where ordinary people could describe crimes they had been victims of, how the perpetrators looked, and who to contact. My translation:
I don’t know how to make a web page. But there are many who do. You can see that not least looking at the many web 2.0 sites popping up. It could be financed by ads. I think that such a page would be both useful and successful.
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