Geotagging makes YouTube videos local at iCommunity.TV
iCommunity.TV is a new mashup service of YouTube and Google maps. As I predicted, geotagging will be big this year, and this is a good...
iCommunity.TV is a new mashup service of YouTube and Google maps. As I predicted, geotagging will be big this year, and this is a good...
Åkte till Tekniska museet efter jobbet för att gå på kick-off för en ny nätverkssajt för kvinnliga företagare – Det slog både mig och...
You hardly have to believe in conspiracy theories to worry just a bit about the power of Google. There was an interesting documentary on SVT...
So simple it’s brilliant. This clip was made by Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University.
The Institute for Interactive Journalism, J-Lab, has released a lenthy study on hyperlocal citizen media and its sustainability over time. In a news release, J-Lab...
I made an Andy Warhol style picture of K, and today I finally got around to framing it, along with some other photo enlargements and...
David Kaplan at writes about a new site by Penguin publishing house: A Million Penguins. The site is a wiki where users can contribute...
The other day I wrote about Howard Owens‘ attempts to come up with a term that defines the “new” in journalism. He arrived at “personal...
Howard Owens, Director of Digital Publishing at Gatehouse Media, came up with a new term about a week ago – personal journalism. I’ve been meaning...
Netzeitung, an online newspaper in Germany, started its citizen journalsim project “The Readers Edition” in June 2006. When announcing the project, they called out for...
One of the world’s greatest bands have ceased to be. The Beautiful South quoted “musical similarities” as the reason for splitting up. I’m so sad...
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