MySpace claims to have replaced MTV
In an interview in Der Spiegel, social media site MySpace‘s co-founder Tom Anderson says: I think we have replaced MTV. MySpace is more convenient. You...
In an interview in Der Spiegel, social media site MySpace‘s co-founder Tom Anderson says: I think we have replaced MTV. MySpace is more convenient. You...
Here are some resources which might answer Lisa Sabater’s question about what citizens need to become full-fledged citizen journalists. It’s the blog Journalistopia that has...
Speaking of what bloggers need to approach journalism… The BBC are doing what they can to bridge the gap and educate citizens about the rules...
iFocos has announced an online We Media film festival at the We Media conference in Miami in February. Any vlogger can participate by submitting a...
Take a look at this guy. His name is Zak George, a 28 year old dog trainer who travels around the States and performs with...
Lisa Sabater at the Daily Gotham poses a question. What do we need to turn blogging into real citizen journalism? She’s asking the readers of...
Swedish YouTube clone has announced that they will award the best video clip with Guldbubblan (the golden bubble, a parallel to Swedish movie award...
After a few hectic days at work, I am far behind both blogging and reading blogs. One reason is pretty exciting though. Yesterday celebrated...
Bloggpartaj igår, närmare bestämt Tjuvlyssnats releasefest. Trevligt, men jag kunde inte stanna så länge. Från vänster: Gitta, Annika, Karolina, jag, Petra, Alex Annika har fler...
Jonathan at lab:kloud9 was kind enough to include me in their series of Webb Dialogues. Here’s the interview, in which I talk a bit about...
A few days ago, Save the Internet – a coalition of individuals, organizations, businesses and bloggers for network neutrality – launched a grassroot campaign for...
Funny, I really liked the name “The Venice Project”. Oh well. Today they announced they’re Joost. And they’re opening up for a bunch of new...
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