Author: lotta

Paris in spring 0

Paris in spring

Paris is charming, cozy, sunny, expensive, sandy, and totally the wrong place to be with your ex if you’ve just broke up with him. However,...

Roe reunion 0

Roe reunion

I just witnessed the reunion of the roe deer kid and its parents. They found him at last. Such a cute scene. Here are a...

Party & animal 0

Party & animal

I’m a little worried about the roe deer that’s been hanging around the parking lot on the back of my house. She’s been there the...

Going home 0

Going home

I’m on my way home, right now on the airport coach from Gothenburg Central Station, where I’ve said goodbye to Joy who’s going home by...

Easter 0


Next week I need to watch two movies – I bought a discount card and I need to use it up by Thursday. :-) Thinking...

Life goes on 0

Life goes on

A quite okay week. I’ve kept busy. Monday, me, Marina, Anders and Mattias P went to a live radio recording of “Clownen luktar bensin”. A...

To the movies 0

To the movies

I watched a good movie yesterday – Finding Forrester. Sean Connery was great as usual, but the interesting story is about the kid playing Jamal...

A week of work 0

A week of work

What a week! I’m supposed to work 15 hours a week. This week I worked 42 hours in four days. Two days of evening shift,...

Spring is in the air 0

Spring is in the air

We’ve had the first few days of spring and it’s just lovely. The sun warms you up inside, and there’s that special spring smell in...