Author: lotta

Efficient 0


Today has been an efficient day. You know, one of those days when work is smoothe and things go your way. One of those very...

Going north 0

Going north

We’re still not feeling well. I went to the doctor yesterday (!) and they took all sorts of tests. Had to do some more tests...

Sick and away 0

Sick and away

I caught a cold on the ferry from Sicily. Then it turned into something like a stomach flu. Couldn’t eat for three days. That was...

Shelves for my books 0

Shelves for my books

U, mother and I went to Ikea yesterday, to buy some bookshelves and a desk for mother. What a mess! They’re restoring/rebuilding and nothing is...

Big book sale 0

Big book sale

It’s been many days since I last wrote, but I haven’t been as idle as it may seem. I’ve started to write a â€?surf diaryâ€?...

Body on strike? 0

Body on strike?

I couldn’t sleep tonight either. Now I got up and had a painkiller and thought I might as well spend a few minutes in front...

Late nights 0

Late nights

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. I don’t fall asleep until 3 or 4 AM. Don’t know why, but it’s becoming a problem. This morning...

Freezing 0


I don’t like this season at all. It’s so cold. Today I’ve stayed indoors all day, not even bothering to get dressed. When it’s -12...

Thumbs and parties 0

Thumbs and parties

Playing Ridge Racer V on Uffe’s new Playstation 2 has its drawbacks. My thumbs have been aching for two days now. The night before yesterday...

Cooking 0


I’ve been experimenting with Indian cooking today. Mother and I went to the Asian & African food store Taj Mahal (Kammakargatan) this afternoon, a bunch...

Working out 0

Working out

I worked out after work yesterday, for the first time in a long while. I need to take control over my body again, to be...