Interesting times ahead at the tabloids in Sweden
Today Thomas Mattsson was appointed editor-in-chief of Expressen, the 2nd largest tabloid/evening paper in Sweden. Great news, as Mattsson has made a name for himself...
Today Thomas Mattsson was appointed editor-in-chief of Expressen, the 2nd largest tabloid/evening paper in Sweden. Great news, as Mattsson has made a name for himself...
I’m reading Ellyn Angelotti‘s summary of the discussions during the recent Journalism That Matters conference, wishing I had been there. It is written in an...
Now everyone can take part of the online journalistic training and resources the BBC has available to its journalists. The BBC blog dot life announces...
Today I noticed another step in Linus’ development. For quite some time he’s been able to turn from his back to his stomach, and the...
Jag minns inte om jag nämnt det tidigare, men då och då kastar grannskapets busfrön ägg på våra fönster. Ibland är det snöbollar också, men...
Citizen journalism photo agency Scoopt has shut down. Getty Images, which purchased the site two years back, are letting it go. In an interview in...
Idag var det premiär för föräldrafika på Kafé Kulté, fiket i Skarpnäcks kulturhus. Varje onsdag mellan 11 och 14 ordar de en barnhörna och sänker...
All the winners of the Great Blog Award 2009. Yesterday evening, as we talked about in our bambusing from the event, the Great Blog Award...
Bloggy is the new microblogging site of choice for Swedes. In a short time the site has gained about 3 000 users and continues to...
Vet inte om det är allmän stress att hinna med att vara en god mor och en god dotter samtidigt som jag oroar mig för...
Twingly expands its search engine with a brand new microblog search tool. They’ve been working on it for six months and today it was released....
Det började med att jag hittade ett gammalt mini dv-band från Rockbjörnen ’99 när jag röjde i min byrå. Efter en snabbtitt visade det sig...
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