Tour of Krumlov
Waking up to a storm of hail where used to be green meadows and off on a safari bus bump bump bump aahs and oohs...
Waking up to a storm of hail where used to be green meadows and off on a safari bus bump bump bump aahs and oohs...
Picking walnuts is tricky. You scan the ground but the nuts’ covers are the same color as the leaves turning brown. Some of them have...
red absinth crazy hot awake in a late evening Prague with CNN and shopping bags feet aching from these cobbled streets and bridges taking us...
Just det, mejlinglistan Trafik har fyllt 10 år. I lördags var det fest, och det hade jag tänkt skriva lite mer om, men hinner visst...
Brussels wasn’t like I had expected it to be. Most of what I knew about it, which admittently wasn’t much, was from the tv news...
Var på brasiliansk filmfestival på Zita igår. Det var rätt charmigt, rent organisatoriskt. Hade jag varit på ett annat humör hade jag kanske iofs mest...
They seem so misplaced, standing by a gas station playing music, dancing and letting off smoke from a machine. But hopefully they got some of...
Helle Klein är dagens hjälte. Hur coolt är det inte att gå från posten som politisk chefredaktör till… präststudier! Hon tar tjänstledigt ett år för...
Idag fick Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö en ny gratistidning. Punkt SE heter tidningen som ges ut av Aftonbladet. Den ska delas ut för hand. På...
I’m trying out a pretty neat web service called LibraryThing. It allows you archive all your books in a database, and then display them for...
Today Aftonbladet and Bloggportalen launched a search engine for blog posts. Bloggsök lets you search through the posts of more than 4 000 blogs, the...
I had a very pleasant train ride back from the book fair in Gothenburg. I had expected to doze off, tired after three very intense...
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