Lotta Holmström Blog

Ups and downs 0

Ups and downs

What a turn a day can take. This one started out badly, with me not wanting to get out of bed at all. But then,...

Runny nose.. 0

Runny nose..

I’ve been home from work today, spending most of the day in bed. I caught a cold and am feeling a bit feverish. At times...

A day of strange coincidences 0

A day of strange coincidences

Christofer and Gabriella’s wedding yesterday was beautiful. Such a lovely couple! I was sad for their sake when it started raining heavily in the morning,...

Super sleeper 0

Super sleeper

I guess I was in need of sleep. Yesterday I got home just after 7PM, after having had dinner with Mattias at Kungshallen. Then I...

Friday 13th 0

Friday 13th

No bricks have fallen on my head, no cars hit me, and the sun even broke through the clouds a couple of times today. And...

Midsummer 0


I had a good midsummer weekend. Midsummer eve I went to two movies at Heron City! :-) An alternative and nice way to spend midsummer’s...

Paris in spring 0

Paris in spring

Paris is charming, cozy, sunny, expensive, sandy, and totally the wrong place to be with your ex if you’ve just broke up with him. However,...