Work update: A chapter for a book

I’ve written a chapter for a book that is to be published by the Swedish union of journalists, SJF. It’s about the future of journalism and my part is about participatory journalism and citizen media.
For the text I wrote I interviewed some smart people – Dan Gillmor, Joakim Jardenberg, Sofia Mirjamsdotter, PM Nilsson and Bo Hedin. I also included some of what Joi Ito said when I and Gitta met him during SIME last year.
I had to cut it down as I had way too much material, so I’ll probably publish some of the “leftovers” at Citizen Media Watch.
The book is to be published in time for the book fair in September. Petra Jankov Picha is the editor.


Web veteran, journalist, blogger since 1998, loves creativity and originality, photography and her family. [More]

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2 Responses

  1. Tobychev says:

    Det här lät spännande, men nu när det gått en tid sen det hela publicerades känns det naturligt att fråga hur det gick med gissandet?

    Fanns något som liknar Bellincat med i texten till exempel?

  2. lotta says:

    Hehe, jag måste nog läsa om mitt kapitel, för jag minns inte! :)
    Det här är boken det resulterade i, i alla fall:

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