Traditional media steps out on YouTube
Swedish state television (SVT) now has a YouTube channel. Previously Norway’s state tv has established itself on YouTube too, along with the BBC, writes Martin...
Swedish state television (SVT) now has a YouTube channel. Previously Norway’s state tv has established itself on YouTube too, along with the BBC, writes Martin...
Hur stor är chansen att springa på bekanta på en finlandskryssning egentligen!? Kalle och jag hade just slagit oss ner vid middagen när Annemaj och...
Yesterday MySpace held a big party in Stockholm to celebrate their launch of the Swedish version of the site. Along with a bunch of Swedish...
Fler ordlösa onsdagsbilder hos Nejma
Doug Lansky is the guy behind Sweden’s first real attempt at a clone of the Onion, named Faktumé. He’s an American travel writer and lecturer...
Fler bidrag till veckans ordlösa onsdag hittar du hos Nejma
A young Swedish guy is setting an example for how upcoming film directors could work online. André Hedetoft is going to make a low-budget superhero...
I’ve created a separate gmail account for signing up to social networking and social media sites. I thought it was a smart move, since they...
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The St Andrews Face Transformer is a hit on the web right now, and I can see why. Who wouldn’t want to know how you’d...
Här kommer lite fler foton från mitt besök på Skansenakvariet förra helgen. En varning för ormkänsliga: två av bilderna föreställer ormar (vet att det finns...
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