Brussels with a sneeze
Brussels wasn’t like I had expected it to be. Most of what I knew about it, which admittently wasn’t much, was from the tv news...
Brussels wasn’t like I had expected it to be. Most of what I knew about it, which admittently wasn’t much, was from the tv news...
They seem so misplaced, standing by a gas station playing music, dancing and letting off smoke from a machine. But hopefully they got some of...
Idag fick Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö en ny gratistidning. Punkt SE heter tidningen som ges ut av Aftonbladet. Den ska delas ut för hand. På...
I’m trying out a pretty neat web service called LibraryThing. It allows you archive all your books in a database, and then display them for...
Today Aftonbladet and Bloggportalen launched a search engine for blog posts. Bloggsök lets you search through the posts of more than 4 000 blogs, the...
Nu närmar det sig! I morgon efter jobbet bär det av mot Göteborg och bokmässan. Det är första gången jag går på Bok- och Biblioteksmässan...
It’s my fourth Wednesday in a row at KGB. It looks like I’m back in my routine after a couple of years’ couch potatoeing. :...
I’ve just got back from the first day of “Morgondagens webbplatser”, a two-day seminar on where the web is currently heading and what trends are...
Hela Nya Medier var på konferens i förra veckan, och för en gångs skull höll vi inte till på en kall plats i snöstorm. :...
Igår shoppade jag loss på Indiska som säljer tokbilliga smycken. Tanken var att använda dem som material i min egen smyckestillverkning (har börjat göra främst...
Today was the end of the one week cultural festival in Stockholm. Also it’s the day of the big book-sale on Drottninggatan. The stalls run...
How cute is this! K and I went to Kolmården Zoo yesterday, and of course fell in love with baby Enzo, the first gorilla to...
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