Category: Interests

Sicily 0


It’s Sunday and most of the stores here on Sicily are closed, so mother and I, who are here for a week’s vacation, are taking...

Nice 0


To get to the airport in time I had to take a bus at 03.47. I didn’t see much point in going to bed at...

Runny nose.. 0

Runny nose..

I’ve been home from work today, spending most of the day in bed. I caught a cold and am feeling a bit feverish. At times...

A week of work 0

A week of work

What a week! I’m supposed to work 15 hours a week. This week I worked 42 hours in four days. Two days of evening shift,...

Spring is in the air 0

Spring is in the air

We’ve had the first few days of spring and it’s just lovely. The sun warms you up inside, and there’s that special spring smell in...

Efficient 0


Today has been an efficient day. You know, one of those days when work is smoothe and things go your way. One of those very...