A walk in the snow
A beautiful, sunny day today, and a great opportunity to get some fresh air – god knows I needed it. So I took a walk...
A beautiful, sunny day today, and a great opportunity to get some fresh air – god knows I needed it. So I took a walk...
Verdens Gang in Norway and EkstraBladet in Denmark also have one-point entries into their participatory journalism. Lesernes VG and Laeserbladet are the equivalents of Aftonbladet‘s...
Social media and marketing are merging more and more. The latest example is soon-to-launch Shycast, a brand-focused site featuring sponsored contests where people are asked...
Bubblare.se: The Guldbubbla of the year – best video uploaded to video clip site bubblare.se (see my previous post) – goes to John Martinsson and...
Här är min EFIT-dag. Jag lägger upp bilderna löpande. Det blir ett lite ojämnt flöde – vissa timmar flera bilder, andra inte någon. Men så...
En liten påminnelse till er som deltar i EFIT, Ett Foto I Timmen, på http://www.fototimmen.org. Idag är januaris andra EFIT-dag. Jag missade tyvärr den första,...
Today Aftonbladet‘s launching nine new local sites, which along with the three that was already up, makes up Sweden’s 12 largest cities. Yet one more...
I recently discovered Last.tv, a mashup that lets you fill in your Last.fm username (or someone else’s), and then watch music videos from YouTube based...
A few days ago, yet another YouTube clone was launched in Sweden, though this time in English and targeted to an international audience. The site...
In an interview in Der Spiegel, social media site MySpace‘s co-founder Tom Anderson says: I think we have replaced MTV. MySpace is more convenient. You...
Here are some resources which might answer Lisa Sabater’s question about what citizens need to become full-fledged citizen journalists. It’s the blog Journalistopia that has...
Speaking of what bloggers need to approach journalism… The BBC are doing what they can to bridge the gap and educate citizens about the rules...
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