Nice chat with Jane
Today I met Jane Morén after work for a nice chat and a beer. Jane was my first contact with the poetry slam world. In...
Today I met Jane Morén after work for a nice chat and a beer. Jane was my first contact with the poetry slam world. In...
Funny that when I feel warm for the first time in four days I’m in a place where it’s -15 C outside, and the wind...
Finally a break from all the walking! Doing Barcelona in three days wears on your feet. But it´s fun too. We´ve seen a lot of...
The bag is packed, my mp3 player filled with a Spanish language course, some last minute problems with the apartment we’re renting in Barcelona are...
I just finished reading “Mall” by Eric Bogosian. It’s a book about a number of more or less disturbed individuals who happen to be at...
Another Christmas survived. Despite low-scale ambitions we ended up with a pile of gifts each (mainly from the mothers) and food, cookies and candy to...
I got back from a two day conference at Almåsa today. The focus was on personal development, and one of the tools we used was...
I dag deltar jag för första gången i Ett foto i timmen. Det har varit ett kul projekt, och en utmaning en dag som denna...
I morgon tänkte jag delta i Ett foto i timmen för första gången. Det kommer inte att vara en särskilt intressant dag att dokumentera, men...
I woke up at 4 AM this morning, unable to go back to sleep. Thoughts of texts and departures, my future writing and how to...
Vloggning tar tid, det är bara att konstatera. Här kommer i alla fall till slut en 14 minuter 14 sekunder lång sammanfattning av Stockholms poesifestival...
Lyssnade på Tendens i P1 för en stund sedan (tack Gitta för tipset!). Det handlade om bloggar, med fokus på mediabloggar och politiska bloggar (det...
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