Category: Interests

Sore eyes 0

Sore eyes

For the past few weeks my eyes have been aching a lot. I can’t sit in front of the computer much when I get home...

Summer drought 0

Summer drought

No news is good news, they say. Well, not if you work at the news desk and you just want the day to go by...

Cruising 0


The wind heavy on my face We sail above the waters Gulls underneath and a sure death should you plummet This summer’s first all blue...

Quick family gettogether 0

Quick family gettogether

Yesterday I had my relatives over for coffee, and also A and her family. It was planned long ago, but then I got a call...

Things falling into place 0

Things falling into place

It’s been a hectic week, or weeks, but now almost everything’s ready for the move. We’re doing all the paperwork for the new apartment tomorrow,...

Literary scams 0

Literary scams

Ever since I signed up for the Creative Writing class three years ago, William, our teacher, has warned me and the other writers of literary...

Tits or ass? 0

Tits or ass?

Working with flash graphics gives you a certain eductation about certain things that you ought to have picked up in high school, like the American...

Orkut frenzy 0

Orkut frenzy

The internet community is wild with Orkut frenzy. Probably it’s because it’s a Google project – otherwise it’s pretty much like any online community. Much...

A different kind of week 0

A different kind of week

The sun was shining when I woke up this morning – a nice change. Usually I go to work and it’s dark and when I...