Lotta Holmström Blog

Stuck at Heathrow 1

Stuck at Heathrow

Mom and I are on our way home from Denver. It’s been a long journey. I had trouble sleeping on the transatlantic flight (Chicago-London), and...

In Colorado, shopping 1

In Colorado, shopping

I am sitting at the big desk in P&D‘s study/play-room. It’s 8AM and I’m not quite awake yet. Like the previous morning I started my...

The Running of the Tubs 1

The Running of the Tubs

It’s our last day in Hot Springs, and we’re heading into town to watch the Running of the Tubs, a race where different teams participate,...

Arkansas car ride 0

Arkansas car ride

summer in spring and the roller coaster ride of Plum Hollow road cardinals brightening the day like stoplights and we go on through the gates...

The hot springs 3

The hot springs

It’s 30 degrees Celsius, which is just weird on May 1, but of course a nice change from our first day here. Barbara equipped us...

At Carl & Barbara's 0

At Carl & Barbara's

We wake up to all the new sounds, the birds of Diamondhead going off like alarms in the early morning sun. Mother mistook one of...

Geografi 0


Hedgehog-Sara skrev om sitt läxförhör med sonen och gav en länk där man kunde testa sina geografikunskaper. “Hur lång tid tar det för dig att...