Author: lotta

Confession time 0

Confession time

Okay, two things… 1. I can’t do things half-heartedly. That’s why I was reluctant to go into vlogging. It will take a lot of time...

More on vlogging for beginners 0

More on vlogging for beginners

I was wondering what software to use, since I’ve already realised Windows Movie Maker has a lot of limitations, and won’t really do what I...

Eight hours in Oslo 0

Eight hours in Oslo

I’m not going to say a lot about today’s trip to Oslo: it was a long day, the weather was nice but cold, the light...

Being hit on – on the subway 0

Being hit on – on the subway

Going home from Bloggforum on the subway last night, I was looking at images in my camera when I noticed a guy sitting opposite. He...

Time for a change 0

Time for a change

After eight years with a self-developed publishing system I have decided to convert this blog to WordPress. It will lose some of its unique features,...

That dreaded month 0

That dreaded month

November. I don’t have words to describe how loathsome a month it is. The darkness. The damp. The cold. The endless fatigue. It’s a month...