I am da slam masta.. :-)
Gee. Strange things happen when you least expect it. Yesterday I went to the library in Sundbyberg where they had an Open stage. There I...
Gee. Strange things happen when you least expect it. Yesterday I went to the library in Sundbyberg where they had an Open stage. There I...
Once again I left my cellphone behind, this time in Molkom. This is turning into a nasty habit. I wish I could call K and...
I drink frozen margeritas on a Friday afternoon I’m waiting for the train and I’ve forgotten my phone and I feel lost out of contact...
Okay. So I need to stop buying stuff. Or to learn how to throw away things. My apartment is getting so crowded that I have...
27. I guess I thought I’d have a lot of more answers at that age. Oh well. Questions are good. Questions are fine. I didn’t...
Yesterday Kalle bought me the bicycle that was last year’s Christmas present. It’s great to be able to go by bike again after more than...
Slowly, slowly, I feel my personality and my interests are changing. It started with the cats, I think. Or maybe breaking up with U, I’m...
I’m early at work today, so I thought I’d take a couple of minutes updating my private pages. I’m working the evening shift again. Monday...
I’ve worked the evening shift for a couple of days. It doesn’t leave much time for anything else. That makes it even greater to have...
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