Strangers on a train
I had a very pleasant train ride back from the book fair in Gothenburg. I had expected to doze off, tired after three very intense...
I had a very pleasant train ride back from the book fair in Gothenburg. I had expected to doze off, tired after three very intense...
Nu närmar det sig! I morgon efter jobbet bär det av mot Göteborg och bokmässan. Det är första gången jag går på Bok- och Biblioteksmässan...
Yesterday’s election was just as nerve-wrecking as had been predicted. K and I watched the results come in in bed, on, and on...
Sigrinn has created her own super hero. I played around with this neat tool too, and above is the result. Election day today. I’ve voted,...
I thought I had lost my cell phone, and it made me think about all the information I keep in that one fragile place. Scary!...
It’s my fourth Wednesday in a row at KGB. It looks like I’m back in my routine after a couple of years’ couch potatoeing. :...
I’ve just got back from the first day of “Morgondagens webbplatser”, a two-day seminar on where the web is currently heading and what trends are...
Hela Nya Medier var på konferens i förra veckan, och för en gångs skull höll vi inte till på en kall plats i snöstorm. :...
This is my MiniMizer icon – with a bite. Check out the site where you can make your own icons to use as avatars or...
Igår shoppade jag loss på Indiska som säljer tokbilliga smycken. Tanken var att använda dem som material i min egen smyckestillverkning (har börjat göra främst...
Today was the end of the one week cultural festival in Stockholm. Also it’s the day of the big book-sale on Drottninggatan. The stalls run...
Wednesdays used to be my KGB bar days, back when it was the weekly gathering of mailinglist Trafik. For some reason or other, the gettogethers...
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