Lotta Holmström Blog

Strangers on a train 12

Strangers on a train

I had a very pleasant train ride back from the book fair in Gothenburg. I had expected to doze off, tired after three very intense...

New rule in Sweden 1

New rule in Sweden

Yesterday’s election was just as nerve-wrecking as had been predicted. K and I watched the results come in in bed, on val.se, aftonbladet.se and on...

SuperHero Me 0

SuperHero Me

Sigrinn has created her own super hero. I played around with this neat tool too, and above is the result. Election day today. I’ve voted,...

In need of a cellphone backup 2

In need of a cellphone backup

I thought I had lost my cell phone, and it made me think about all the information I keep in that one fragile place. Scary!...

Cultural festival, continued 2

Cultural festival, continued

Today was the end of the one week cultural festival in Stockholm. Also it’s the day of the big book-sale on Drottninggatan. The stalls run...