Lotta Holmström Blog

Easter party 0

Easter party

It’s been a slow day at home after yesterday’s Easter party at Majsan’s in the old town. I went with Anna, Uffe’s girlfriend, since Uffe...

Commanding spring 0

Commanding spring

Mom and I went to the allotment yesterday, bringing sandwiches and making tea and pretending it’s spring. We’ve had a couple of nice sunny days,...

I want candy! 0

I want candy!

Easter’s here. And so are three baskets of candy. And that’s only for the new media department. Flash gave me a left-over sandwich from some...

Sleep 0


I’m seriously disturbing my diurnal rhythm (whee! had to look that one up. New expression learned) by sleeping between 16 and 20 yesterday, and 17.50...

Excursion to Nynäshamn and Muskö 0

Excursion to Nynäshamn and Muskö

K and I have been joking about going to Nynäshamn for ages, going home on Nynäsvägen. “Wanna go to Nynäshamn?” is the repeated question. I...

Poe'tic silence 0

Poe'tic silence

Poor Poe has had surgery on her vocal cords and cannot utter a word for three weeks. The past few years have been tough for...

Saul Williams 0

Saul Williams

Saul Williams Video clip of Saul’s message: Not everyone in the United States is in agreement with the foreign policy (13MB, not very good quality)...

…and then the snow came 0

…and then the snow came

I haven’t been outside the apartment all weekend. Archived comments from my old publishing system: P writes: This one too. Where did you learn photography...

Beautiful in decay 0

Beautiful in decay

I love tulips. They are beautiful at every stage, but I find them especially expressive when the petals are starting to whither, just before they...

Stuck on Betapet 0

Stuck on Betapet

All of Sklommon has gone Betapet crazy. Betapet is like the word game Alfapet, but on the net. It’s very addictive. The good thing about...

It's over 0

It's over

It’s taken years, tears, anxiety, pain, frustration and anger. It’s cost us more than we can tell. I didn’t really think it would work out,...